"Yoga? I didn't do yoga when I was a kid."
“I didn’t do yoga when I was growing up” says at least one adult per week to me.
Me either.
You also grew up in a different time. I’m going to guess you had much more freedom than kids these days. Riding your bike to places or wandering through the woods. You had glorious strategies to decompress and you didn’t even know it. They were built into your life.
Well, now we’ve got a generation of kids that move less, connect less, and have increasing rates of depression and suicide.
It is not the strongest that survive, it’s the most adaptable to change. We worked so hard to make the world more comfortable and a better place to live. Then we make resentful comments to kids for living a more comfortable life than we did growing up. It’s fascinating to me.
You know, “I had to walk two miles up hill backwards in the snow to school…”
Why are people so obsessed with recreating their own child hood or proclaiming how much harder it was? Don’t get me wrong, sharing family traditions is the jam. Introducing your kid to a hobby you loved growing up is special.
Just do me a favor and don’t scoff at something just cause you’ve never done it before. Remember, everything is weird until it becomes normal.
If you are an adult and you’ve never done yoga, and you don’t want to do yoga. That’s great. I’ll see you when you are ready. No worries.
Just please don’t put your fear of trying new things onto your kids.
Take advantage of programs and opportunities your kids will have and don’t begrudge them for having them. Be excited for them and they will thrive.
People who thrive in the world are the ones who are open to growth and change. Adaptability is a leadership quality.
See you at yoga.