Meditation Jamboree
Meditation by definition means to think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
Hi, welcome to 2020. Where we know that meditation CAN BE USED for religious or spiritual purposes. Yet, can also be used as a method of relaxation.
Don’t let old cliche thoughts that meditation is religious keep you away from utilizing it as a tool to function optimally. It is used in some religions, but it is not religion on its own.
I am not interested in teaching your kids religion. Whatever you believe or don’t believe, I love, respect, and support. That’s just not what this is about. What I am interested in, is teaching your kids how to express their emotions in healthy ways.
I was explaining to the teen workshop girls that once upon a time, yoga was actually created to take care of the body and prepare it to be able to sit in meditation. That yoga was the tool and meditation was the goal.
Basically, we move our body and then we get to have a still mind. One feeds the other.
Most adults regularly look at me as if I’m crazy, if I mention having a daily meditation practice.
Who has time to meditate? They instantly shrug.
We have so many activities that we’ve over scheduled ourselves for and going to social engagements that we don’t want to because we don’t have boundaries of how to say no. How could you possibly have time to meditate? They look at me like it would be impossible to sit down for 5 mins per day.
Then ten minutes later in the next conversation, I’m hearing them describe all the shows they are watching on Netflix. Hmm..
That’s not a judgement. That’s an observation that we do have time to do things, but we choose how to spend our time. We are habitual creatures. Whatever daily habits you create, you become.
We “don’t have time.” We are sooooo “busy.”
I often wonder what these people are doing that makes them so busy and always in a hectic state. Signing up to overextend themselves and then complaining about it. I feel like I do more than most people I know and I feel like I chill more than most people I know.
Don’t get me wrong, I know a lot of people with a lot of big responsibility. People who are legit busy. But here’s the thing, I am not asking you to come on an Alaskan Cruise with me. I am asking you to find 5 minutes a day to sit still so that your brain can function optimally.
Just doesn’t feel like that much to ask. Instead of saying “i’m too busy” try saying “that’s not important to me” and see how that feels.
So you are too busy with life to meditate?
Here are some people who are pretty good at life and they meditate every day…
Jerry Seinfeld
Seinfeld can be seen speaking at fundraisers for Transendental Meditation. Jerry talks about how he would meditate everyday during his lunch break while making his show. Never ever missing a day. While making one of the biggest shows of all time.
Alex Morgan & Kelly O’Hara
2x Olympic Gold Medalists 2x World Cup Champions
Listening to Julie Foudy’s Podcast and these two top athletes talked about how meditation is part of their everyday routine.
Michael Jordan & Lebron James
Meditation and visualization is all part of the championship mindset for these legends. MJ was doing it back in the day and Lebron continues to prepare this way. High level athletes know the importance of training your mind.
Enough said.
“I taught Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, and Lena Dunham how to use Transcendental Meditation (TM) because of its ability to increase clarity, focus, and resilience,” says Bob Roth, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation. “Transcendental Meditation helps successful people remain at a high level of functioning and think innovatively.”
Paul McCartney, Will and Jada Smith, Jay-Z, Kristen Bell, Joe Rogan, Russell Simmons, Steve Jobs, Ben Stiller, have all talked in the press many times about their daily meditation practice.
Be open to trying new things. If it is hard for you to sit still, good. Doing hard things is how we grow.
Your brain deserves a little break and recharge from this overstimulating society that we have created as the new norm. Then you can head into that society and rock out your very best life.
Happy Meditating Homies.
All the love!
-Miss Britt
Note: Next teen yoga workshop series begins next Thursday (February 6th 2020) at Evoke Yoga. All four Thursday nights of February dedicated to learning about yoga and ourselves! Click here to reserve your teens spot!